This is just a relatively new blog site but I also have several blog sites that I have been maintaining for the past months. After succeeding in creating a new web site, your next goal is to drive traffic. People will not visit your blog sites just by making articles or blog posts and then let people find it. Sure, someone will find your site eventually, but you have to wait for a long period of time.
I'm not a guru, but based from my experience and according to people I know who are into internet marketing, there are ways that you can drive targeted market to your blog site.
- Write at least four to five articles of the same topic. Topics should be related to your website. Include links and submit your articles to blog directories and webmasters. Masternewmedia has the widest range of articles listed.
- Promote your blog site by sending emails to everyone you know-your family, relatives, friends, colleagues, even friends of your friends!
- Join forums. Please DO NOT SPAM! Add your profile, make some intelligent comments (Not just saying "great post", "kudos" or what have you) and add links to your site. Try Blogdigger or Blogs by City.
- Read other blogs to get ideas and not to COPY their ideas. Comment on other's post and hope they will reciprocate the gesture.
- Set up an account to popular social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace or Multiply. Add on your profile page links to your site.
- You can also set up an account and create your own page, create articles at some sites like HUBPAGES and SQUIDOO. They are just like blog sites but I consider those above-mentioned sites a little like a social networking site but are homes of aspiring writers. (I have an account on both.)
- Commit on creating articles or blog posts on a regular basis. Try to make at least 3 to 4 articles per week, it's better if you can write an article everyday. Creating am article will just take you at least 10 to 30 minutes if you're not doing something else like checking other web sites.
- Put informative contents on your site. No one will check it out unless it will benefit them, right? Make your articles as interesting, as creative and as sensible as you can.
- Add nice photos and videos to capture the interest of the visitors. DO NOT use copyrighted photos and clips.
- Dress your site with blogger templates and widgets.
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Search engine drives a lot of traffic on the web. SEO is how you will rank on the first ten on top search engines. If you really are into online marketing, you should really aim to be on the first page of popular search engines like GOOGLE, ALTAVISTA or YAHOO SEARCH.
- BE PATIENT! Patience is indeed a virtue and getting good traffic won't happen overnight.
♪♫♪Mhei ♪♫♪