Here are some helpful ideas on how to earn EXTRA money QUICKLY:

1.) Set up a GARAGE SALE. It's about time that you clean your closet and sell those clothes that you are not using anymore. Please don't include worn out clothes! You're intention is to make money from old stuff on good condition. If you have just recently changed some of your furniture and appliances, put them into good use. Sell them, instead of just making your old items untouched and dusty. Give the best deals and for sure, your old things will sell like pancakes!
2.) Make cookies or brownies and sell them. Check the prices within your neighborhood and sell your cookies at lower prices. You can always find low-cost ingredients in the market. You can sell your delicious goodies to you friends, relatives and colleagues.
3.) Have a book sale. If you don't have any other stuff to sell, then gather all your books from grade school, your novelty books, old magazines, college and other educational books and put them to sale instead of letting the pages of the books tattered. Let your old books be of use!
4.) Have a second job. If you think your time will allow having double jobs, then go for it! You can be a full time professor during daytime and a math tutor after your class. Or you can work full time for a financial firm then be a freelance car or house agent during your free time. There's a lot of hot jobs you can apply for. All you need is to look for it. Jobs won't be looking for you.
5.) Earn extra money online. If you are into computers and writing like I do, then use your craft and submit your articles online. You can check a lot of websites looking for freelance writers. You get paid per article you submit. It may not look promising at first but once you were able to established your name and your talent, then advertisers would start looking for you.
♪♫♪ mhei ♪♫♪
We just became fans today at hubpages and I was just checking out your blog. Very nice. Will see you around. ~Dottie1 on hubpages~ :)
Hi Dottie!! Thanks for dropping by. I loved your hubs. Have a blessed New Year!! :)
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